Sunday, July 25, 2010

Reviewing Your Dream Journal with the Bachelor

From time to time I review my dream journal to see if there is anything significant. I usually do this when I need an answer or confirmation to something, or if I just want to look over my dreams as a whole during a certain period of time.

Today I happened to find a journal entry from Feb. 25 where Vienna Girardi, the woman who Jake Pavelka proposed to at the end of the Bachelor last season, is waiting in line behind me to order food at a restaurant. It just so happens that Jake works at this restaurant. In the dream she tells me that Jake dumped her and then got together with Gia, one of the final three girls that Jake said goodbye to on the show. Vienna is terribly distressed and needs a place to live. So I let her stay with me, but not before I pray for her.

First I have to admit, "Yes, I watched "The Bachelor." I know it's embarrassing. I'm one of the many viewers that got sucked into watching a series of T.V. trash. I've since quit and I don't recommend that anybody watch it. Seriously, I have not watched one episode of this season's "The Bachelorette." (Keep praying for me though. I'm weak on Monday nights. Not really.)

Back to the Dream

I did some investigation and realized that last season's finale aired on March 1, three days after my dream. And last month Jake and Vienna split up. Shocking, I know! Who broke up with who is still up for debate according to the tabloids. So far I dreamed who Jake would choose, in sort of a round about way. Though it's fair to mention that I did hear rumors about Vienna being chosen.

OK now to talk about the meat of this post. This is really the important and spiritual part.

Five Good Reasons Why You Should review your dream journal from time to time.
1. You might read something and realize that it actually happened. Like in the example above. Remember when Joseph's brothers bowed down to him when he was under Pharaoh in Egypt? (Genesis 42:6) It took many years to fulfil the dream, but it was fulfilled.

2. Or you might read something like in the example above and just flat out laugh at how silly it is.Proverbs 17:22 Laughter is a good medicine.

3. You may receive confirmation or greater insight into a current prayer request, something the Lord kept hidden from you till now. Reminds me of Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings.

4. When looking at what your dreams are for a period of time, you may see patterns or reoccurring themes. Like Job 33:14,15 For God does speak now one way, now another though man may not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men as they slumber in their beds.

5. So we don't forget what God said. Plus there can be times where we think we heard Him say something, but we didn't. So having a record and plan to review is helpful. Plus, the Bible clearly instructs us to record what God says to us. (Jeremiah 36:1-3; Isaiah 30:8; Habakkuk 2:2 and Revelation 1:1-2.)

In Summary
Review your dream journal! You never know what you might find or laugh at. It could have been that my "antenna" to receive dreams that particular night on Feb. 25 was muddied after perhaps reading a US magazine about "The Bachelor." Who knows. I'm not going to go as far as to say that God told me who Jake was going to pick. That's ridiculous. However, if Jake gets together with Gia, I might just freak out, give Vienna a call and ask if she needs some prayers. Though under no circumstances. I repeat - Under NO circumstances - will I let her move in with me. Hold me to it folks.

Have you ever found anything interesting while reviewing your dream journal?


Nathan said...

I find that I need to review my dream journal as well. As I am growing as a christian I am realizing that old saying, "hind-sight is 20/20" can be very true. It seems a lot of times that I don't understand everything God is doing while He is doing it. I can look back at my journal and put together the pieces and then realize, oh! thats what God was doing!!!! It has been my prayer for a while now to know and understand what God is doing in the "here and now". I think as christians who are in relationship with God we can expect that!!

Jaimee Bingle said...

Well said Nathan! I feel the same way and yet I just rest in the fact that if I don't have a revelation now - perhaps later. It's very exciting.