Sunday, July 11, 2010

Taking a Vacation From Dreaming

Recently I went on vacation - four cities in four states in seven days. Phew!

One day trip was to New Orleans. Ah ... nothing better than a cultural taste of jazz and shrimp creole. Plus shopping in the French Market! Check out my $10 mask below.

Another stop - Destin, Florida - the fisherman's paradise. Well, maybe before the oil spill. We had one day good day at the beach. I thank Hurricane Alex for that. :( Though I did manage to get burned, despite my slathering of SPF 15. Plus I almost got swept out to sea in an undertow. Not cool and not so smart on my part.

You're probably wondering what any of this has to do with dreaming? Actually it has a lot to do with dreaming. I had a lot less dreaming, so you may say that I had a vacation from my dreams. Not something that I strive to do.

Let me explain a few reasons why this probably happened to me. You may notice that some of these points have happened to you.

1. I was a little stressed out with all the things I had to do before the trip. Then during the trip we were doing things. After the trip I was playing catch up.

2. In order to accommodate my vacation and work load, I screwed up my scheduled sleep time, meaning less sleep.

3. Also during these periods, I was eating lots of junk food, sugar and caffeine which kept me up at night. This was all with the perception of: I'm getting ready for vacation so it's O.K.; I'm on vacation so it's O.K.; and I'm still on vacation so it's O.K.

4. I spent little time with God which left me basically on a vacation from him too. (Though I know he didn't vacation from me. Deuteronomy 31:8)

Now if you haven't noticed - these four points all have to do with being busy! I had to get work done; therefore I was too busy to eat properly, too busy to spend time with God and too busy to get to bed on time.

Honestly the busy badge is not an honor. No sirree!

We need to be at rest. When your mind and spirit are restless or too busy, it makes your receptors hard to hear from God at night. Your ability to rest is critical in your ability to receive!

For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel, "In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength." Isaiah 30:15

Additionally I'd like to say that if you have a dirty receptor it's hard to receive too. For instance worldly entertainment can clog you up. (Example - Gotta watch "The Bachelorette," "90210, " "Glee," "Sex and the City," and so on. T.V. can keep you busy these days.) So can anger, bitterness, lust, worry, etc.

But you can renew your mind to clean up. (Read Ephesians 4)

Put off your old nature which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on the new nature, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4: 22-24

So along the lines of a vacation - I am back, getting rested, quieting myself and renewing my mind! Let the real vacation begin!

Anyone else relate to what I'm saying?


Tamie said...

It doesnt sound like a vacation... Busy busy busy. I am not dreaming much lately either ;(

Jaimee Bingle said...

I know. After I came home I thought I've got this all wrong. The world would say that was a vacation. In the spirit - not at all. Totally stepped out of rest and now I'm trying to get back there.