Monday, August 2, 2010

Secular vs. Biblical Dream Interpreting

Recently I listened to a nine-part YouTube message on John Paul Jackson's testimony on dreams and visions. There was a lot he talked about, but I wanted to write about some key things he discussed about secular vs. biblical interpretation.

Secular Interpretation
In the secular realm dream interpreting has temporal revelation. It is believed that the dreams are internally originated, meaning you can find the interpretation by looking inside yourself. These dreams:
1. Are Internal - Out
2. Are soul driven
3. Have one meaning
4. Believe in a self change
5. Include several art types - mythological, masculine, etc.

Biblical Interpretation
With biblical interpretation the revelation is eternal. God, the creator, sees into your life and knows what needs to be fixed inside of you so you can step in the destiny that he has planned for you. "Do this, and you'll succeed." He is the external that takes a look inside. These dreams:
1. Are External - In
2. Are spirit driven
3. Have levels of uses and multiple meanings. They can apply today, and even in 10 years.
4. God does the changing
5. Can include an angelic being coming to you with a message.


John Paul make some great comments about believing in the soul central idea. If your soul can change you, then your soul can perfect you. Then there is no need for a savior to do that for you. SELAH

A man left to his own devices deteriorates. He does not regenerate. Adam and Eve proved it in the beginning. SELAH

Interpreting with a secular (soul-central) belief, doesn't work. Remember the story in the book of Daniel when King Nebedchadnezzar called all the magicians to interpret his dream? Not one of them could do it. It wasn't until Daniel inquired of the Lord and received the interpretation. So if the soul can interpret dreams, then all the magicians should have been able to tell the king the interpretation. SELAH


My advice is to use the Bible as your foundation and ask Holy Spirit for the revelation. You may not get the interpretation right away. Sometimes the interpretation comes months later. That's why journaling and reviewing your dream journal is key. Additionally, do not use any secular dream interpretation books or web sites. No need to bring in confusion.