Sunday, October 3, 2010

Get the Impossible AND Get the BOOTY too!

In my last post I talk about a dream I had where I was climbing up the middle of a waterfall. Totally impossible, right? But totally possible with God.

Staying along the same lines as anything is possible with God, last week I was in 2 Chronicles 14. (It just so happened that was where my reading fell the day after my waterfall dream.) It's the story of King Asa. Despite his wicked father and grandmother, he was a man committed to the Lord.

For ten years Judah was in peace after King Asa smashed all the idols and altars in high places, but then he goes to battle against Zerah the Cushite. It looks like this:

Zerah - vast army w/ 3oo chariots (One commentary I read says he had about a million soldiers.)

Asa - 580,000 brave fighting men armed with shields, spears and bows

Cleary Zerah looks like the winner by the looks of this scenio, but oh no! King Asa called on the Lord and said, "Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, O Lord our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this army. O Lord, you are our God: do not let man prevail against you." (2 Chron. 14:11)

Then do you know what happened?

Not only did the Lord strike down Zerah and his army, but Asa and his army chased them down all the way to Gerar . According to my map and legend it looks like they pursued their enemies more than 20 miles after combat! Imagine how tired the Lord's army was, but supernaturally they were able to overcome the tired Cushites.

"Such a great number of Cushites fell that day they could not recover; they were crushed before the Lord and His forces. The men of Judah carried off a large amount of plunder." (2 Chron. 14:12)

Then it goes on to say that King Asa's army destroyed all the surrounding villages near Gerar, "plundering all these villages, since there was much booty there." (2 Chron. 14: 14)

Yes my NIV says, "booty." It means the same as plunder or spoil.

As I was thinking about this, I thought, "Wow, I wonder how many times we get a victory and forget to chase down the booty?"

See for God, it's just not enough that we get the victory in a situation, we get dominion too and with that dominion comes booty. (I just like this word. I think of pirates everytime.)

I don't know about you, but I want the victory and I want "the more" that comes with it. In Genesis, God gives dominion to Adam in the garden. (Gen 1:28-30) That means we own this earth. Our Father gave it to us. The problem is most of us believers don't know what we've been given or how to get it back after we've lost it. So our prayers turn into begging God to give us something we already have.

King Asa didn't just stop with the victory by beating the Cushites butts and then retreating home. No, he knew what was rightfully his. He went after his enemies and crushed them, making sure they didn't come back. Then he took their stuff and went to the surrounding cities and took their stuff too.

I think it also goes to show that once you get on the right track with God, you're unstoppable! Just make sure you don't forget to pick up the booty along the way!