Sunday, February 20, 2011

I Like What I See! I'm Getting Married!

This past week I got engaged!

Yup, Nathan got down on one knee and asked me to marry him and I said yes!
He's very smart. He killed three birds with one stone or I should say ring: Valentine's Day, my birthday (which is on V-day) and our engagement.
I'd like to say that God gave me a dream confirming this, but He didn't. He gave lots of wedding dreams when I dated other men. The funny thing is I never saw the face of the groom in any of the dreams, and I was extremely worried that I was marrying the wrong person.
Looking back on these dreams, I think the Lord was showing me my hesitation in getting married to whoever I was dating at the time. (Which is a good thing.)

I have not had those dreams while dating Nathan. In fact I haven't any dreams about weddings in the last two years of dating. To be honest, not having a wedding dream with Nathan in it speaks volumes to me. And the cool thing is, I didn't need a dream to begin with.
I have had many conversations about my relationship with Nathan to the Lord. I don't think marriage is something anyone should take lightly. I have prayed, fasted and given close friends access to speak into my life about this relationship. I am so thankful for their support, friendship and council. It has made a world of difference!

In October of 2009, I went to the International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City. It's a 24/7 prayer room, and it is awesome! I sat and typed for a few hours and came up with five pages of conversation between me and God! Yes five pages!

I asked Him who He would give me away to. He said that He would give me away to a man that chases after His heart! He also gave me specific instructions about how to choose a man. He said, "Do not look at titles or resumes. That's what man looks at. Look at the heart."

Immediately I went to my Bible searching for confirmation. Did God really say that? Yes he did! The Lord advised Samuel when he was about to anoint Eliab as king.

But GOD told Samuel, "Looks aren't everything. Don't be impressed with his looks and stature. I've already eliminated him. GOD judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; GOD looks into the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7

Then Samuel anointed David, the runt.

Looks and stature can deceive us. It sounds like an easy no-brainer, but when you're searching for answers, it isn't always that clear. It can be hard to dismiss what the world says about choosing a mate.

I also asked the Lord what my life would look like if I chose Nathan. He was honest and real with me. What he showed me was so cool. (which I'm not going to share yet.) I love mine and Nathan's destinies together! God has some big plans and I'm want to step into those with Nathan.

It's good to mention that marriage is a choice. The Lord didn't tell me to marry Nathan, but He did show me what my life would be like with Nathan if I chose him, giving me the choice.

I like what I see!

I'm getting married!


Steph Merryfield said...

Hey Sis, so happy for you both. This is a wonderful blog post with great insight into the Father's heart. Thank you for your transparency. It was very encouraging. I'm going to start to look for a dress to wear this weekend. Congratulations!

Jaimee Bingle said...

Thanks for your comments Food Purist! I try to be transparent as I know there is value in that and freedom for others!

Anonymous said...
