Thursday, March 31, 2011

In the Body or out of the Body?

A couple weeks ago, I had a unique experience. Quite frankly, that is an understatement.

I am only sharing, because I'm sure there is someone else out there, who may have had a similar experience. Or perhaps, you'd like to have one just like mine. (This is probably my fifth similar experience in the last several years.)

I had gotten up at 3 a.m. I prayed, read my Bible, tried to spend time with God without falling asleep, etc. At 5 a.m. I went back to bed, as I could longer keep my eyes open.I'm not sure if this happened immediately or minutes later, but I know I feel asleep praying in the spirit. What happened next is hard to describe, because there is no context to place it in.

I was laying on my right side and a wind, but not a wind, blew through me and carried me what felt like out of my body. All I can say is I found myself as a wind/spirit/invisible no ending entity in a woman's bedroom. She was at the end of her bed kneeling, crying and praying. She had on a light colored nightgown, with a light colored bed spread. Her hair was blondish brown and up in a bun. I didn't see her face, but a side profile of her. I couldn't make out what she was saying, but I boldly put my hands on her head and began praying in the spirit over her. As soon as I did that, I could hear everything she was saying, but it was inside me. It wasn't on the outside like how you hear with your ears. I couldn't make out what it was she was praying, but I did know it was English. It was like I had no comprehension of her words.

I then thought, what am I doing? Where am I? What is going on? It was like a split second of my own mind came in to ask questions, to disbelieve and to doubt. I immediately found myself back in my bed. I could still feel the lasting effects of what was previously in the room, which I perceived to be the presence of God. It lasted for a while and I decided to just fall asleep as I was not scared or weirded out. I just had questions.

Was I somewhere else in the spirit? Did I leave my body? Where was I? Was I gone long? What was the purpose? Did I help somebody? Who was the woman? What just happened?
What I believe happened was I was translated. It's when your spirit leaves, but your body stays put. It is biblical.

Elisha received supernatural knowledge of his servant Gehazi's actions when he was translated in the spirit. (2 Kings 5:26) In 2 Cor. 12:2-4, Paul describes an encounter as "in the body or out of the body I do not know..." This may have been an out of body experience.

Now I could be totally wrong about my own experience, and I may never know what happened, but I do believe God was involved. There was no fear. There was complete boldness to do Kingdom work (pray for someone), and I was praying in the spirit when I fell asleep/went into the experience. Additionally, I had been spending time with God for two hours, before this happened. This, I believe, has God's fingerprints all over it.

So whether I get my answers or not - I'm going to keep on pressing into to God. I will have faith for Him to take me where ever he wants - in the body or out of the body. This is exciting! I love to travel and it's ok if we skip the plane ride. I'm ready!

Anybody else have a similar experience they want to share?


Anonymous said...

I am currently reading a book by Bruce D. Allen called 'Gazing Into Glory'.He talks about this very thing of being 'translated'.He also was interviewed about his own experiences on 'Sid Roth's - It's Supernatural' program.Although i haven't had an experience of being translated, I do believe it is scriptural and possible.

Jaimee Bingle said...

I think I saw that Sid Roth episode. The book sounds good!

T. R. Post said...

Personally I know at least two people who experienced translations while driving. In 1992, a former girlfriend testified how God supernaturally got her to church one night faster than the 15 minutes it normally took to get there. When she left her house, the clock in her car read “6:25.” When she arrived at the church, her clock read “6:31.” She got to the church in six minutes without speeding.

Another friend of mine who was on staff at Calvary Campground emailed me a testimony of her being translated. One morning she drove 90 miles from Ashland, Virginia to Washington, DC where she was scheduled to speak at a church. She was running late and had to drive slower than the posted speed limit due to heavy traffic on Interstate 95. But while driving through Northern Virginia, God suddenly moved her forward several miles and got her to the church on time.

Anonymous said...

Can you try and help me understand two dreams I have, spanning many years, always the same. The dreams are terrors and involve demons. I can explain the dream if you think you are able but I understand if you are not the person I need.

Jaimee Bingle said...

Todd those are wild testimonies, but I believe them!

Anonymous - You can share your dreams with me if you want. I will try to help you. Just email me at