Friday, November 28, 2008

Big Dreamer


Whether I'm napping or actually sleeping for the evening, I have dreams. I know science says I need to be sleeping a certain number of hours before I dream, but that's not the case with me. I close my eyes - and I'm dreaming.

I've always been a big dreamer. As a kid I would wake up in the morning and tell my parents what I dreamt about the night before. In college I would wake up and call my mom to tell her about some crazy escapade I had the night before in dream land. Now as a professional, career-woman with a social life and busy schedule, I still have dreams.

In the last nine months my dreaming has increased. So much that I decided to keep a dream journal. Then I started realizing that some of my dreams were coming true, either that day or weeks or months later. It started becoming so unbelievable to me that I couldn't dismiss the fact that dreams were a big part of my life. The more I studied about them and sought out interpretation on them, the more I had them. At times I would wake up at 2 a.m. write down five dreams and then go back to bed. When I woke up again I'd had another two or three dreams.

Then I began to realize that dreaming is scriptural. In fact many people in the Bible, those that believed in God and those that didn't, had dreams. Dreams told the future. Dreams brought warning. Dreams came true.

I kept reading everything I could on dream interpretation. Some good and some bad. I began to realize that God was talking to me in some of the dreams. I also found that the devil was tormenting me in others. And some of the dreams were my own "pizza dreams." (ones that were from me)

The main reason I started this blog was because I had a dream that I had a blog. On October 13, 2008 I dreamt I had a very successful blog called - "Close Your Eyes - Dream." In the blog I had journaled my dreams with interpretations. I also had a place for others to ask questions or share their dreams for interpretation.

So dreams do come true. Mine came true, because now I have a blog called, "Close Your Eyes - Dream." As far as the success of it - that's still in the works. :)

So as you read about my dreams, I hope something is stired in you. I pray that you will begin to dream too or at least more frequent. When you do, email me. I'd love to take a shot at interpreting it for you. Until then - enjoy & sweet dreams!